Tuesday, July 19, 2005

As if giving the world your bikini team wasn't enough...

When I was young, one of my favorite confections was the gummy red goodness known as swedish fish. I would often take my paper route money down to this little mom & pop shop near the speedline that sold them for a penny each, and buy bagfulls for myself, and on occasion my little sister. I just couldn't get me enough of them swedish fish.

Not much has changed.

Dear swedes, don't be angry with me, I'm not implying that your entire nation is bad at poker, but I have taken to seeking you guys out fairly regularly. Stockholm, Göteborg, Uppsala... when I right click and see your home town, I just have to get a seat. You play fast and hard, loose and aggressive, and I like your style.

On a more serious note, today was a good day. I stuck with the new limit, and made a killing this morning. Best day (profit wise) that I've had yet... the deck beating me senseless with cards, and I only put in 5 or 6 hours. I've been known to put in as much as 16.

And it wasn't just the limit rings either. After I got my roll up quite a bit, I decided to go work on my NL SNG game, and it went just as good... really good, because just as I did with my ring games, I moved up a level in buy-in for the SNG. In four games I came in 1st, 1st, 2nd, 9th. Yeah, the ninth sucks, but how the hell can I be upset about that?

Ironic too, because I was telling my roomate just last night that since I started playing rings, I lost my SNG skills.

I'm gonna go celebrate a little, while the feeling lasts.



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