Monday, March 06, 2006

Fuck You, Tourist

I have to get this out, though I'll never say it to your face.

It doesn't bother me that you somehow lucked your way to a final table, or that you had the nerve to call me with Qc Ts when I put you all-in with my Kc Ks preflop. It didn't even bother me when you sucked out on me. At other times, it's these idiot traits you harbor that make my love of the game what it is.

But I could seriously slap that look that says you actually think you out-played me right the fuck off of your face.

For fucks sake, when the flop hit 8h 8d Tc, it was obvious from the gleam of hope in your eye that you didn't even realize that your fucking odds had just gotten worse.

And when the river brought you that Td, I smiled and shook your hand, but your parting wisdom of, "Don't put your chips in if you're not ready to lose them!" was really just too much.

Fuck you, Tourist.

Please come again.



Blogger April said...

Nothing puts me on tilt more than some donkfish hitting his one-outer and then acting like he's the best player ever. Urge to kill gets pretty strong those days...

8:41 AM, March 07, 2006  

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