It's really completely unlike me, but I am extremely stressed, anxious, and paranoid at the moment.
In about 2 hours, I sit down in a 30 man tournament (with
flipchip from, of which the prize pool consists of WSOP seats of various values being awarded to the top 10 places. The top place award is a $10,000 main entry, and I will be extremely unhappy taking home anything less.
I've had a bad week. Last Friday night, as a complete joke, I played Keno (something I never do) for $1, using the numbers from "Lost". I hit 5 out of 6 with a 4x multiplyer for $218. It was quite funny at the time, given that I was with about 6 fans of the show.
The next day I got arrested on my way to the regular poker tournament. Standing in handcuffs on the side of Boulder Highway, I somehow managed to talk my way out of the bracelets, so long as I got everything cleared up by the end of the week. Turns out I forgot to finish paying off a ticket some 9 months ago, and the various charges and such had accumulated quite heavily. Goodbye very large chunk of bankroll.
I also haven't had a winning session of poker since, and as a result my head is in completely the wrong state to go play in what will be the most important tournament I've played in to date.
I owe all three of you readers a book review of Harrington's latest, and I swear to get it finished and put up this week. I personally scored 351 out of a possible 591, which is apparently "Ok" but not "Good". I haven't let it bother me though, as I strongly disagree with the scoring method, which I will furthur explain in my review. For now, let's just say the book is definitely worth the money, but you need to have read (and comprehended) the first two volumes to even bother with it.
Last night I stopped by the poker room to say hello and check out the seating assignments. I had previously told a friend that there were only 3 people in the entire tournament that I don't want at my starting table, and they're all there. It was widely agreed last night that the table that flipchip and I are starting at will be the absolute toughest group of opponents in the room.
I'm going to go make some burnt offerings or something, and pray that none of them show up. That would be so much easier than beating all of them.
But I still plan to do it the hard way if I must.